Philosophy giving wings to Boethius
The Philosophy Award. Given to a student who has shown excellence in scholarship in the area of Philosophy. Students who receive this award must have an AGPA of 3.5 or higher after completing a minimum of 30 credit hours at Providence College. (Winner will be announced at the graduation banquet.)
- Dr. V


Hendrik van der Breggen said...

Announcement from the graduation banquet (April 24, 2010):

"This year The Philosophy Award is presented to Jordan Byggdin. There are several outstanding candidates who were considered for this award, but Jordan is the outstanding candidate of the outstanding candidates. Jordan's work in philosophy has demonstrated a mind for truth and good reasoning, coupled with a heart for God and neighbour, coupled with a spirit given to humility and all-round good sense. Jordan, may God continue to bless you and all your academic work. Congratulations!"