Who is Ayn Rand?

For some interesting summer-time listening and reading about the popular philosophy of Ayn Rand (1905-1982), whose book Atlas Shrugged has recently become a movie, check out Clayton Jones, D.Min.  (Jones is assistant professor of apologetics at Biola University.)

Radio interview on Issues, Etc. (April 15, 2011):
Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged"

Blog posts:
Ayn Rand & Atlas Shrugged: Introduction
Ayn Rand: The Good
Ayn Rand: The Bad
Ayn Rand: The Ugly Self-Esteem Movement
Ayn Rand: The Ugly—Rejection of Oversight

- Dr. V


For an apologia for philosophy, see what Maverick Philosopher has to say here.

- Dr. V

Most Valuable Player

To whom will the 2010-11 Philosophy Foosball Club MOST VALUABLE PLAYER AWARD go?  Find out at the PFC lunch on Wednesday, April 6, 2011. (Note: No mug will be awarded; the mug photo is for attention-grabbing only.)

Update (April 6, 2011): This year's recipient of the PFC MVP Award is Jordan Byggdin.  Congratulations Jordan!

Update (April 11, 2011): This year's recipient of The Philosophy Award is David Ward.  Congratulations David!

- Dr. V